I combine my psychotherapy and coaching expertise to assist people in finding their own truth and reveal their unique potential. My key strength is to see what’s happening beneath the surface, unveil the real conflicts that keep teams and individuals stuck, and open the necessary conversations. I have gained great experience training Coaches and supervising…

I am passionate about empowering women to break through the glass ceiling. To this end, I have coached senior women, and I have designed experiential programmes for them around Impact and Presence, which I have delivered. In addition to this, I have designed and delivered half day workshops on Bias, where mixed groups can explore…

Laureato in Economia aziendale presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano, dopo un’esperienza come ricercatore, inizia l’attività di consulente in formazione e sviluppo risorse umane presso HR&G e poi in HayGroup, maturando esperienze significative nello sviluppo delle competenze manageriali e dell’intelligenza emotiva. In seguito, ricopre il ruolo di responsabile della formazione manageriale presso Vodafone e Galbani e…

I am a Learning & Development Specialist, Consultant, and Coach with 40 years of international experience working with individuals and teams at all levels of organizations. I am available to contribute as a coach, 1:1 and for small groups or intact teams, and to facilitate learning programs or webinars, with a particular interest and expertise…

With over 20yrs experience, I am a dynamic, creative, engaging and clear communicator. I am an experienced commercial manager with detailed knowledge of various business sectors including Financial Services, Law, Oil & Gas, and Commercial Business, bringing this corporate understanding to my executive training/coaching. Key to successful personal development is the ability to explore and…

Laureato in Filosofia e in Psicologia, dopo un’esperienza in azienda come responsabile della formazione, lavora da vent’anni come consulente in programmi di coaching, counseling, formazione e sviluppo organizzativo, con un approccio psicosocioanalitico. Svolge inoltre attività clinica presso il suo studio privato su problematiche legate alle relazioni, all’ansia, alla regolazione delle emozioni e all’autostima. È docente…

Keetie Sijm has been a international tax lawyer for more than 15 years. In those years she has been based in Amsterdam as well as in London. She grew from a student employee to being a senior manager within the different international (accounting, tax law and law) firms she worked for. When climbing the ladder…

Mario Castagnetta is the Founder and Director of Synchronicity SA, an international Human Resources Consulting company providing medium-to-large international organisations with products and services in the domain of Personal Development and Potential, Management Development, Talent Engagement and Retention, Knowledge Sharing, Coaching and Career Counselling. Synchronicity supplies its services to well known medium-to-large international organisations such…

Amedeo collaborates with women and men willing to expand their capacity for work, love and creativity. His way of working follows a holistic approach with the aim at helping people to discover and to reach their full potential, work-life balance, greater creativity, professional growth and meaning in life. Amedeo is predominantly engaged in the Self…