Mi occupo da più di 25 anni di sviluppo di persone e di sistemi, combinando modelli, metodi e strumenti diversi e innovativi, sia in presenza che a distanza. I miei ambiti d’intervento per supportare individui e organizzazioni nella loro evoluzione si collocano nelle aree di sviluppo del sé e della leadership, con ruolo sia di…


Carmine’s bio

With more than 25 years of work in marketing and communication with fullfiling experiences both in advertising agencies and in the External Relations department of an italian luxury company I started in 2006 my own independent business, Mycupoftea srl to support brands in achieving true memorable events and designing unique experiences for the connoisseurs. Events…

With over 25yrs experience, I have extensive experience within a range of business sectors and industries, including facilitation, rôle-play/skills practice, behavioural training and presentational skills for a range of blue-chip companies across the UK, Europe, USA, India and the Far East. I have worked at Board level and also with Senior Management, Human Resources, customer-facing…

I am a Change Consultant and Academic. I bring a deep knowledge of the psychology, neuroscience and sociology of organisation – applied with over 30 years of experience in complex organisational and leadership change. I bring a combination of critical thinking, pragmatic solutions, and a collaborative process of learning, which my clients find challenging, compassionate,…

Michela è un leadership coach con oltre 20 anni di esperienza in aziende multinazionali e nel mondo accademico (IMD business school, CEIBS business school). È la fondatrice della propria società di coaching e consulenza nelle aree di leadership, imprenditorialità, innovazione e trasformazione digitale. Per questo, l’offerta di Michela per Rise UP si focalizza in queste…

Elias is pursuing his passion by accompanying business owners, CEOs, senior executives, and their teams to develop and successfully live out their passion, purpose, and destiny through truly human leadership coaching. Elias brings his coaching experience with corporate clients, IMD on their leadership programs and over 25 years of hands-on entrepreneurship and corporate experience in…